A commitment to having a positive impact on the communities we operate in.

Diversity and inclusion
Diversity and inclusion is such a fundamental part of our company culture and people-first values. We embrace and celebrate what brings our people together - and also what makes everyone different. We value and respect the diversity of our members and promote an inclusive working environment for everyone’s benefit.
Our aims are a workforce that reflects the communities we serve and a supportive environment where everyone receives fair and equal treatment. Nobody will receive less favourable treatment on the grounds of gender, marital status, social class, colour, race, ethnic origin, creed, age, sexual orientation or disability. And no member will be disadvantaged by conditions or requirements that can’t be shown to be relevant to performance.

Our policies
Gender Pay Gap Report (download PDF)
Corporate Social Responsibility (download PDF)
Quality and Environmental (download PDF)
Tax Strategy (download PDF)
Privacy Policy (download PDF)
Modern Slavery Statement (download PDF)

Our accreditations
Quality Management System - IATF 16949 Burnley (download PDF)
Quality Management System - IATF 16949 Derby (download PDF)
Environmental Management System - ISO 14001 (download PDF)

Having a positive impact
We’re committed to having a positive impact on the communities we operate in. Whether that’s through supporting the local economy through providing jobs, or by enabling SMEs across the UK to thrive, or by contributing to activities that support the wellbeing and safety of the national community in the UK.
We aim to be a good neighbour and respond quickly to concerns. This includes managing, and reducing, the environmental impacts of our activities in the communities in which we operate, and we seek to prevent pollution through the effective control and management of emissions (to air, water, and land), waste, raw materials, and natural resources, and other local, environmental and community issues.